Midnight Boudoir Lounge

as you pull back the silk curtains, a private lounge is unveiled. several burgundy sofas with plush, tufted cushions look quite comfortable to relax upon, complete with black lacquer-finished coffee tables for drinks. a chic chandelier hangs from the ceiling, lighting the area with its dim, warm glow.

several luxurious robes hang from various clothing racks, and posters featuring lingerie illustrations decorate the walls. your shoes clack against the ornate geometric tile flooring, echoing while jazz softly plays in the background. a fireplace has been lit, giving the room a woodsy, slightly warm fragrance.

good evening! welcome to Moonlit Decadence, an art gallery for lingerie illustrations. this is an 18+ only area; minors will be politely escorted out of the lounge.

i invite you to browse the gallery, and peruse the artwork that is on display here.

additionally: i have a pay-what-you-want art bundle on itch.io, for those who want a full collection of my work.

if you would like to link to my site, here's a button you can use!

note: true image size is 88x31. i just prefer how they look when rendered larger on a webpage.

Lounge Guidelines

  1. please be respectful of my boundaries. you are currently a visitor in my space. as such, i ask that you be mindful of these rules.
  2. i am not particularly interested in discussing sex, kinks, or flirting. sexuality is a rather sensitive subject for me, and it's something i have a lot of complex feelings about. i consider this an art gallery first and foremost. the phrase "you may look, but do not touch" comes to mind.
  3. this is a queer and trans inclusive space. bigotry shall not be tolerated.